Sunday, July 17, 2011


Oh, I wish I could stay forever. It was beautiful. Only a 15 minute train ride from Nice, I will definitely be returning while I still can.

We arrived early in the morning, around 10:30 and explored the harbor with our helpful guide Igor. Yachts galore! We could not believe the size of them.

This gorgeous sailboat was my favorite:

Next we walked through town which was so cute! Patisseries, gelato shops, restaurants, an open air market selling all kinds of knick knacks and antiques, and the most amazing food market called the Marché Provençal

Marché Provençal

Best olives I've ever had, hands down


Next we walked along the coast line seeing the beautiful sites. We saw gorgeous French maisons (houses) and the beautiful view. 

   Our guide then decided to torture us with a steep hill covered in jagged rocks. Keep in mind is about 90 degrees, so of course we're all in flip flops. The view from the top:

worth it
After safely making it back to the bottom of the hill (I had some serious doubts that I would) we sat out doors and had a drink and a snack. After we continued to wander around the town, admiring the beautiful architecture and the novelty of a beautiful French town. The day concluded with dinner at Le Chaudron (the Cauldron). An adorable hole in the wall restaurant with amazingly fresh seafood. If you are in Antibes or anywhere near I highly suggest it. The service was wonderful, as was the food and wine. 

Next up: the Alps!

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