Sunday, July 17, 2011

More on my first few days....

Here are my first few days as best as I can remember:

Thursday: arrived in a haze and settled into my room. It's very European and tiny! Thank god I don't have to share it. It's just a bed, desk, small closet and bathroom (perhaps I'll post pictures when it's not so messy!). To give you an idea of how big the room is, sitting on my bed I can pretty much reach everything. The shower is so tiny I, at a proud 5' 2" can't comfortably shower. I can't imagine how my 6' 4" classmate does it. Bonuses: mini fridge and full length mirror! After unpacking I got a pizza from a truck at the bottom of the hill. Parked in an ally this truck is pretty much just a a counter top and oven. The man doesn't even keep the dough in the food truck, but in his car parked across the way. Slightly sketch, but so delicious it was worth it.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday ran together in my mind: exploring old town, eating, and going to the beach. It was amazing! 

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we had classes. I won't bore you with those details :) Thursday was Bastille Day which, for those of you who don't know, is like 4th of July in America ( We had no classes. Instead we spent the day at the beach and then watched beautiful fireworks around 10pm. 

This weekend was absolutely amazing. Saturday we spent the day in Antibes, a small town about a 15 minute train ride from Nice, and Sunday we went hiking in the Alps! A little less than 2 hours from Nice...amazing. I am planning on devoting two separate posts to those days. For now all I will saying is I am having the most wonderful time here in France! 

À bientôt 

A sneak peek of Antibes and the Alps:

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