Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finally a post!: First week in Nice, France.

Bonjour (hello),

Finally I am posting for the first time! It has been such a crazy week, I feel as though I've hardly had five minutes to myself. I know, however, that people are dying to know all about my European adventures, so I will write them down as best as I can remember. Thankfully I've been journaling on a semi-regular basis, so I can hopefully remember them as best I can.

First a little background: I'm here in the South of France studying Europe and the Mediterranean from a sociological prospective for five weeks (more on my classes in a later post). This is my first time in Europe and I am beyond excited to be here!

My class of 23 students, 2 interpreters and 1 very English, very hilarious professor arrived on Thursday 7/7. My wonderful boyfriend who has been interning in India for the past 6 months ( decided to stay in France for a few days on his way back to the states. My first few days in Nice were spent in a wonderful blur of reuniting with him, making friends with my fellow students, eating good food, drinking good wine, exploring the city and spending time at the beach.

France is everything I had hoped it would be and more. The city is amazing and the weather wonderful.

Tomorrow I am waking up at 5:30 am to go hiking in the Alps, so I must sign off. Hopefully my next post will be longer and more organized!

À bientôt (talk to you soon).

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